Somehow I knew that Nana would have something to say that would resonate with me. Something that I could relate to and possibly grasp a hold of and move forward out of this hellish hole I’m in. I was not to be disappointed. One does not live 87 years without gaining experience and trust in God while raising 9 children and over 100 grandchildren, great grandchildren and great, great grandchildren.
Although she knows a great deal about what is happening I didn’t tell her everything but she shared with me a prayer she has prayed for the last 30 years over her family and therefore she doesn’t worry because she knows that God has everything in control. She answered my questions with deep conviction and simplicity and it made me feel good about her life and all that she has accomplished in a quiet and unassuming way. There are no awards on the shelves for what she’s done but she has found great joy in the simple life she has lived taking it one day at a time and making the most out of it. She found her purpose and she has lived it without regret or recriminations.
She has had her share of sorrow, death and disappointments but she has not let them define her or her life. She has taken them in stride and continues to forge ahead one day at a time without complaint. What a role model. Yet she calls me the emotional one and understands that I take things to a much more extreme level than the others and that is ok. I can accept those words from her. She also feels I am much stronger than I give myself credit for and to some extent I agree but what I didn’t try to explain to her is that I’m tired of being the strong one. That I’m weighted down from it and just ready to dump it all off my shoulders and give up. Instead I just sat and absorbed her wisdom, her love and her support.
This is the prayer she shared with me that I will start praying over my family. Prayerfully I will let go and allow God to do his thing and stop worrying and fretting over everything and everyone.
Child of God I love you and bless you
Child of God, I love you. Beloved of God, I bless you. This moment, I set you free as I release all concern and anxiety about your well-being. In my mind’s eye I see you rising above any limited self-concept. I affirm the highest truth regarding your health, prosperity and affairs.
The love of my heart and the blessing of my prayers are gifts that I can give to you every day. Your strong victorious spirit pushes open the floodgate, allowing unwanted problems and conditions to dissolve in the cleansing tide of God’s love. Any barriers of separation or unresolved differences are washed away.
Through meditation and prayer, we are one in spirit, free from old bonds and limited concepts. Courage and joy replace guilt, resentment, and fear.
I behold you vitally alive in the now, restored, renewed, refreshed. Child of God, I love you and I bless you in prayer.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. (1John 3:1)
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