The next two weekends we did the college circuit so that baby girl could make her final choice of which college she wants to attend this fall. It was eye opening to get a load of campus life now and how things were 20+ years ago. BIG difference. Things are definitely more open to the lifestyles of today with co-ed dorms, Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A on campus, drinking/partying seems to be a major for some kids and they tell you in orientation to learn to balance drinking with studying. That blew me out of the water.
Expectations at some schools are very high freshman year and in others it wasn’t mentioned. Parents were told to drop off their kids and don’t look back at one school while another said keep a pulse on them at least during the first year. I left feeling overwhelmed and insecure at one and I’m an adult to feeling right at home at another. It is definitely worth the effort to visit these schools and get a feel for the lay of the land rather than just shipping your kid off and hoping for the best.
Strep got three out of the four and one had a stomach virus these past two weeks. It’s been fun. Things have started to settle down just in time for May to begin. Warmer temperatures are expected this week and it looks like spring might get pushed out of the way early for summer to roll in.
Time is quickly winding down to prom and graduation. I’m not sure I’m ready for the end of one chapter and the beginning of another but ready or not it’s coming so I better get prepared. I can’t believe my first girl is getting ready to leave the nest. Boy what a big change that will bring in the house.
As for me, I finished my Intro to Marketing class and hated it. The professor was good but the workload was over the top; way too much to learn and do in 5 short weeks. Things have settled down with Business Management but our class has dropped down by 4 students and I’m losing two from my study group in the next rotation. Change is in the air and I might as well get used to it. I passed my one year anniversary and still feel good about school and the progress I have made. I made the President’s list for carrying a 4.0 GPA which was really nice. The summer will be busy with class and juggling the kids out of school but hopefully I have it all worked out so that everyone will be pleased.
What’s been going on in your world?
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